How to Choose in House Hospice Care?

Published April 8, 2022.

Perhaps, those who are familiar with Hospice care don’t like this word because it is somehow related to death. But, actually, hospice care is more than that. It provides emotional support, medical services, and spiritual resources for those who are in the last stage of illness such as cancer. Moreover, it also helps a family member of an ill patient to manage the emotional challenges and stress for a dying loved one.
When a doctor refers someone to hospice care, everyone looks for in-house hospice care as they want to keep their loved ones close to them until they enter another world.
Choosing an in-house hospice care is one of the most challenging yet important decisions for any patient and his/her family member. However, not every hospice service providers are same and can vary greatly. So, let’s find out the best ways to choose in-house hospice care.
Focus On Quality
Remember, hospice care is not only about death. It is about caring for people focusing on providing them the quality of life before they die. This helps patients to preserve dignity, relieve pain and restoring the sense of peace, allowing patients and their family members to focus on their life, despite serious illness.
Are They Medicare Certified?
This is one of the most important aspects to look at when picking in-house hospice care. Look whether the hospice care service provider you choose is covered by Medicare. If you are looking to reap benefits of Medicare hospice, make sure it adheres up all the quality standards of it.
Are They Accreditated?
Good hospice care is always accredited to some reputed national organization, meeting all the quality standards. Accreditation is one of the most important steps to ensure that patients will receive the best care possible. When choosing the best in-house hospice care, you can ask them about accreditation directly.
How Long They Take for Emergency Response?
How quick they respond to an emergency? It is crucial to ask them if they offer late night and weekend admission options as well. Always choose one that offers round the clock services because you never know when an emergency strikes to your door.
How Long They Have Been Serving Their Services?
How long have the service providers been providing their services? This is also an important question to ask. If it has been around for a good time span that shows it is stable and you can trust their services.
Do They Provide Inpatient Care Facilities?
Usually, hospice patients receive care in their home, however, it is vital to know if they offer residential facility also. Also, ask them if they have partner contracts with nursing homes and hospitals that determine if they can also offer service in other settings.
To Sum Up
Hospice consists a set of services that we might need someday- maybe not for ourselves, but for our elderly. However, death is not an option for us, but we have choices regarding how to end it. Hospice is one of the best options we could give to our elderly in the last days of their lives. It is not a great option for those who are dying, but also to those, they are leaving behind.