Unique Ways to Preserve the Memory of Your Loved Ones

Published April 11, 2022.

Often those who have lost loved ones look for ways to keep meaningful memories of the deceased. Although it can be quite challenging, it helps people to deal with their grief. Over time, memories have a tendency to fade, until they only come back to you occasionally. Fortunately, there are ways to treasure these memories forever, and that is through visual stimulation.
In this post, we offer five DIY ideas that can help you keep the memories of your loved ones alive.
Let’s dive in
Create a New Custom
Every religion or culture has its own customs for paying tribute to those who have passed. If you want to make this event special to you, you can create your own tradition. The main aim of starting a new tradition is to cherish the memories of your loved ones in a more creative and positive way. It can be anything you like: perhaps praying in front of the funeral urn or planning a dinner and inviting your family and friends every year to commemorate the deceased.
Create a Memory Pillow
This is another unique way to treasure the memory of your loved one. Although it might be emotionally difficult, keep a few items of their clothing. Known as a memory pillow, this keepsake is sewn using the deceased's clothes. It is a great gift to give other members of the family or to keep yourself.
Create a Scrapbook
Another project to preserve memories of your loved ones in a fun way is to create a scrapbook. You can show it to your family and friends and use it to tell future generations about the deceased. You can customize the scrapbook and pick a theme to bring all the pictures together. This is also a great way to avoid accidentally losing the picture.
Creating a Collage From Different Photos
Do you have a digital copy of your loved one? If you do, then creating a collage is another great way to cherish their memory. You can create a collage using many pictures to make one larger image. If you are unable to do it yourself, then you can seek help from a computer company to aggregate the photographs by color to create composite portraits and pictures.
Apart from these ideas, there is a multitude of other innovative ways to make remembering and paying tribute to your loved ones easy.
Getting over the death of a loved one is arguably the most difficult phase in one’s life. The cliché that time heals all wounds is indeed true. But if you want to treasure the memories of your loved ones, then you can use one of these ways to celebrate their lives.