Hospice Care- Using Facetime for Last Goodbye

Published April 8, 2022.

Life is not fair always! Losing parents is one of the scariest nightmares anyone could ever have. The love, the care, the affection - no one can replace the love of the parents. Even when you are miles away from them, your parents are always concerned about your health and safety. Their self-less love can’t be replaced with any luxury or happiness of the world.
Just like anything in this world has an end, so are your parents going to leave you one day. Maybe right now you are not thinking about it, but trust me, the feeling of guilt, sadness, and pity altogether become worse when you finally lost them.
No doubt, bidding adieu to a family member, especially parents is the toughest part of one’s life. Even when death is approaching, waiting to see them die is just like poking yourself with needles. So, heartbreaking! Thankfully, there are technologies that can let you see and talk to your loved ones before they moved into God’s arms
Hospice Care
When the healthcare team of your loved ones realizes that he/she will be going to die within 6 months or so, they recommend them to hospice. The hospice offers specialized care for those who are expected to die soon. The hospice staff not only provide treatment for pain but also offers spiritual and emotional support to them, to you and to other members of the family.
For many of us, hospice is a scary word because it is linked to the end of life. But in actual it is more than that. It offers a family environment, competitive plans, personalized care & supports, respects patient’s last wish, lessen financial burden and provides family counseling.
Technology has given us so many things we could ever imagine. Luckily, with apps like Skype/Facetime, it becomes easy to talk face-to-face with your parents even when they are miles away. You can make conference calls to see and talk to them, which feels good at both the side. If you or your family members are away from your parents and could not fly to meet them, Facetime is the best way to get in touch.
Personal Experience
Just like anyone, losing mother was the most painful experience for me too. In her last days, we had her in-house Hospice care so she’ll spend her last days peacefully. As me and my kids couldn’t fly to see her often, my sisters used a smartphone with Facetime allowed us to see and talk to her during her last days.
FaceTime was such a big emotional help for us and the only medium to see my mother and talk to her. Moreover, through Facetime, I was able to tell my mother how much I loved her. It was a sad moment, but really special. The whole experience was indefinable!
Final Note
It is always difficult to cope with the death of parents whether your relationship was good or bad with them. Loss of their physical presence is a loss of their knowledge, support, help, and advice. No matter at what age you lost your parents, or what relationship you had with them, it is a traumatic time and a life-time loss that you won’t recover ever in your life.
As a quote by an Anonymous“Love your parents and treat them with loving care. For you will only know their value when you see their empty chair.”