Keepsake Urns for Ashes: How You Can Always Keep Your Loved Ones Close

Published April 6, 2022.

A Tribute to Your Loved One’s Life
It is challenging to prepare for the death of someone dear to you, and it's only natural to want to honor them and find a way to commemorate their life. Even though they are no longer physically there, they are bound to live on in your memories.
Therefore, a person's end-of-life ceremony should both admire and celebrate their life. A memory keepsake urn is a great choice to consider for this purpose.
What is a Keepsake Urn?
A keepsake urn is a vase specifically constructed to hold the cremated remains of a deceased person. The urns can be built from several materials, including wood, marble, and metal, and come in a range of colors, sizes, materials, and styles. They range from typical miniature ones to more decorative pieces.
Small urns, miny urns, keepsake urns, and even token urns are all terms used to describe keepsake cremation urns. These words simply allude to the urn's size, as they only store a small amount of cremation ashes.
How Are Keepsake Urns Different From Traditional Urns?
The only distinction between a typical urn and a "keepsake" urn is their size. A traditional urn is considered full-size. On the other hand, the keepsake urn usually only carries a few cubic inches of cremains.
You should consider a full-sized cremation urn preferably if you want to store the entire ash remains of an adult in one vessel.
Keepsake Urns: Why Choose Them?
When healing with the loss of a loved one, a decision as small as the choice of urn holds meaning. With a keepsake urn, you can turn your loss into a reminder of the beautiful memories you hold so dearly.
Here’s what a keepsake urn provides:
Keep the Energy of Your Loved One Around You
Selecting a keepsake urn is frequently accompanied by loss, but it may also be a wonderful way to reminiscence and feel closer to the departed soul. As we mentioned, urns come in various shapes, sizes, and materials. You can select a unique urn that matches your loved one's personality, preferred hobbies, or profession.
For instance, you can go for hand-made wooden urns that bring back memories of crafting with your mum or perhaps, choose a SpongeBob-themed keepsake urn that your late child would've absolutely adored.
Choose one that mimics their aura. Even though you're separated, they're never far away.
Memorialize the Departed In A Personal Way
Keepsake urns also allow you to distribute some of the cremated remains to other family members. This can be a great choice for families that live far apart but still want to stay close to their loved one. It allows every family member to pay their respects peacefully anytime they want, without having to visit a grave or sit near a gravestone.
If you wish to divide the ashes, keepsake urns are the perfect cremation vessel; each small urn will hold a portion of the ashes, and the size you require will depend on how they will be divided. In other words, everyone can create their own memorial of their loved one.
Make the Experience Easier
Traditional burial practices have grown common, but that doesn't make them any less unpleasant for people who have trouble processing death. Seeing a person's body after they've passed away can be tremendously distressing.
Cremation, on the other hand, is less traumatic for most people. That's because, once a person has died, their body is usually sent to the crematory of their choice, and you won't see them again until you collect their cremated ashes.
Some people even find solace in the concept that their loved one's soul will rise from the ashes and move on to their next physical body in paradise. With cremation and the portable keepsake urn, the feeling of "letting go" diminishes as it allows one to take their loved one wherever they go.
Goodbyes Don’t Have to Be Hard
There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to saying goodbye. Honoring your loved one in any way that offers you peace is the proper way to do so.
So, if it brings you peace, cherish the memories you made with your loved one through keepsake urns. Making a symbol of your loss can help you cope with the grief and serve as a permanent memory...tying you together forever. Isn’t that just what you want?