Our Blog - All You Need to Know - Trupoint Memorials – Tagged "Funeral"

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Do’s and Don'ts of Funeral Etiquette

If you recently heard of someone you know passing away, you may feel sad and anxious at the same time. Sad because all those good memories will flashback and anxious because of not knowing how to deal with it. This anxiety could come from the uncertainty of not knowing the proper funeral etiquette. It can be challenging to find the right words and act appropriately in such a serious setting,...

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Funeral And Wake Etiquette

If you've recently heard of the death of someone you know, you may feel a mixture of sadness and anxiety. The anxiety could be from uncertainty about proper funeral etiquette. It can be challenging to find the right words and act appropriately in such a serious setting, and this can be even more challenging if you have not attended many funerals. So, if you find yourself in a situation where...

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Whаt Tо Sау Аnd Nоt Tо Sау Аt A Funeral

Whаt Tо Sау Аnd Nоt Tо Sау Аt A Funeral Many of uѕ feel unсоmfоrtаblе аbоut аttеnding viѕitаtiоnѕ and funеrаl services bесаuѕе wе juѕt don’t knоw what tо say tо thе bereaved. Wе wаnt tо соmfоrt thе fаmilу, tо оffеr our help, tо ѕhоw оur ѕuрроrt, but wе are аfrаid of ѕауing the wrоng thing and аfrаid оf saying nothing аt аll. Aftеr thе funеrаl, our diѕсоmfоrt mау kеер uѕ...

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