Can I add a decorative engraving to my pet's keepsake? - Trupoint Memorials Community

Can I add a decorative engraving to my pet's keepsake?

Asked 2 years ago

My mom lost her cat, Daisy, last week and chose to have it cremated. I just wanted to show her a bit of love by getting her a companion keepsake so she can have her with her at all times if she wants. I don’t know if this is possible, but I want to get the keepsake engraved with a special message as a long-lasting and meaningful tribute to dear Daisy.

Dorian Keith

Monday, September 05, 2022

Yes, you can definitely add a personalized engraving to a keepsake urn. Some of the best urn materials for engraving are wood, marble, and brass. However, if you already have a special urn that you'd like to be engraved, a small plaque can be attached to the front of the urn with your message.

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