Can I engrave my mom's favorite verse on her cremation urn? - Trupoint Memorials Community

Can I engrave my mom's favorite verse on her cremation urn?

Asked 2 years ago

Hi, as per my late mother's wishes, I want to get her an urn that is as special as she was to me and others too. I need an urn to pay tribute to her passions and also her spirit. There’s a verse that she liked reciting to me when things were difficult or when I was in doubt. It always kept me going, as it did for her. Is it possible to have it engraved on her display urn somehow? Thanks in advance!

Steven Knowles

Friday, September 16, 2022

Yes of course! The best urn materials for engraving are marble, granite, aluminum, brass, and wood. However, if you have the perfect urn for your mother that is not completely suitable for engraving, an engraved plaque with her favorite verse can be attached to the front of the urn.

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