Trupoint Memorials
Which urn material is suitable for scattering ashes in nature? - Trupoint Memorials Community

Which urn material is suitable for scattering ashes in nature?

Asked 2 years ago

It has been challenging to let go of my baby. My heart has been wrenched for what feels like forever, but I think the time has come for me to let my angel be free. I feel that releasing him will bring me more comfort, so I have been searching for urns to scatter my boy's ashes. I wanted to return his ashes to the earth, so I thought of scattering them in a forest. I just don't know what material would be suitable for transporting cremains and biodegradable.

Vance Elliott

Sunday, September 18, 2022

I'm so sorry for your tragedy, but what you're doing is a beautiful thing. There are specific urns made for scattering ashes on land or in water. Typically these urns are lidded containers (either tubes or boxes) made from paper or another biodegradable fiber material.

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