Trupoint Memorials
How often should I clean a metal urn to maintain its finish? - Trupoint Memorials Community

How often should I clean a metal urn to maintain its finish?

Asked a year ago

My partner recently passed on in an accident. He enjoyed working with metal, so I decided to get a metal urn for his cremains. To celebrate his life, I want to display his remains in our home. I don't know how often I need to buff his brass urn to avoid pitting in the finish. How often should I clean a metal urn to maintain its finish?

Cameron-Leigh Henning

Cameron-Leigh Henning

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

That's so horrible to hear. I'm so sorry for your loss. When it comes to maintaining your partner's urn, you can dust it regularly with a soft cloth. Apart from that, you can apply a standard car polish to the surface of the urn and wipe it down two to three times a year.

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