Trupoint Memorials
Is aluminum a good option for resisting oxidation on a sibling's keepsake urn - Trupoint Memorials Community

Is aluminum a good option for resisting oxidation on a sibling's keepsake urn

Asked a year ago

My little sister has leukemia and has been given less than a week to live. She wants to get cremated and her ashes displayed in our family home. However, I might be moving to a coastal town soon and would like to carry a memento of hers with me. I'm unsure what material to pick that can last in a humid environment. Is aluminum a good choice?

Nicole Day

Nicole Day

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Aluminum is an excellent choice for a cremation urn due to one of its beneficial characteristics is the fact that it is corrosion resistant. An additional way to protect the urn from tarnishing is to have it protected with a layer of paint. This will allow it to remain beautiful regardless of the climate.

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