Where do major religions stand on cremation? - Trupoint Memorials Community

Where do major religions stand on cremation?

Asked 3 years ago

Religions actually have more in common than we think. I want to know what they have in common when it comes to cremation. Where do major religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism) stand on cremation?

Asher Nash

Sunday, June 12, 2022

  1. Christianity: The Bible does not ban or promote cremation, and most Christian denominations don't consider cremation to be sinful. However, the Catholic church has an opposing view.
  2. Judaism: Orthodox and Conservative Jews prohibit cremation, but reform Jews accept cremation.
  3. Islam: Islamic religion prohibits cremation
  4. Hinduism: Cremation is accepted and often practiced by Hindus
  5. Buddhism: Cremation is the preferred choice for Buddhists.

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