Trupoint Memorials
What message should I engrave on my dad’s urn? - Trupoint Memorials Community

What message should I engrave on my dad’s urn?

Asked 2 years ago

I recently saw a picture of an engraved urn with a special message to a father who had passed. I’ve had my dad’s cremation urn on my mantelpiece for many years, but I never thought to have it engraved – but I think its a great idea! It will be a unique way to personalize the urn and celebrate his memory. My only problem is that I don’t know what the message should say. This is why I’d like to ask for any ideas on what I can get engraved on his urn. I’m looking forward to your suggestions!

Kyle Hancock

Wednesday, April 06, 2022

What you engrave on your dad's urn will be something very personal. However, a few ideas are a poem, a meaningful message, a relevant quote, or perhaps something your dad used to say a lot or a message or belief he lived by. Take some time to think about it to make it meaningful

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