Trupoint Memorials
Can I use rock salt to create an artisanal urn for a burial? - Trupoint Memorials Community

Can I use rock salt to create an artisanal urn for a burial?

Asked 2 years ago

Hi! I want to handcraft custom burial urns that is biodegradable and can be used for either a ground or water burial. I was thinking of using halite, since it is a substance that is found within the earth's crust and it would be very natural and symbolic, I think. All opinions are welcome!

Kennith Berger

Monday, August 15, 2022

Rock salt is a wonderful idea! Halite urns can be crafted from large blocks of rock salt. The urn will dissolve in water within a few hours in the case of a water burial and will take around three months to break down when buried.

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