Trupoint Memorials
What type of urn should I choose that I can bury in my backyard? - Trupoint Memorials Community

What type of urn should I choose that I can bury in my backyard?

Asked 2 years ago

There are so many types of urns for pets and I am finding it very confusing. I am searching for an urn that I can bury at the back of my house. I think that this would be the best way to honor my pet turtle. I wanted to keep him close to me, and I have already picked the perfect spot as his final resting place. I just don’t know what material would be suitable for this.

Dino Weaver

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

What a wonderful idea. Fortunately, there are a few materials that are good for burial, including marble, granite, or another stone. You could also bury a metal urn, although it could potentially rust after many years. As for the type of urn, any shape is suitable for burial, provided the hole is deep enough.

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