Which types of soft stone are ideal for handcrafting an urn? - Trupoint Memorials Community

Which types of soft stone are ideal for handcrafting an urn?

Asked 3 years ago

Hi, I want to custom make an urn for my little brother who passed away in a motorbike accident. He was always very fond of gargoyles and the likes, and I hope to get a burial urn handcrafted in the shape of one. However, I went to a stone mason and he told me to choose which stone I want him to use and he'll source it. Do you have any recommendations?

Joseph Hines

Thursday, August 18, 2022

That sounds like a wonderful idea! Marble has been the most preferred stone since the time of ancient Greeks. However, it's somewhat difficult to work with but will hold very intricate detail. Limestone is easy to carve and will hold small detailed work. Soapstone is another soft stone used for carving but is typically utilized by beginners.

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