Does the room's style matter if I want my baby's urn to blend seamlessly? - Trupoint Memorials Community

Does the room's style matter if I want my baby's urn to blend seamlessly?

Asked 2 years ago

My baby died unexpectedly, and I want to have her cremated. I have a rough idea of how her display case will look at home. I have a minimalist living space, but I'm unsure how to seamlessly blend her urn into the room style. Do I have to think about the style first before deciding on a final display location?

Nicole Day

Nicole Day

Monday, December 05, 2022

If you want the urn to match the style of the living room, then the urn pattern/design must be taken into consideration. Luckily, cremation urns are available in a wide variety of materials and styles that will enable you to choose a style that enhances your décor and blends in rather than looking out of place.

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