Trupoint Memorials
Is it illegal to commingle a couple's ashes when burying them? - Trupoint Memorials Community

Is it illegal to commingle a couple's ashes when burying them?

Asked 2 years ago

My grandpa and nanna put me in charge of the funeral and disposition arrangements. They want their ashes to be placed in one urn and buried after they pass away. They are so adorable and want to stay together and also have their ashes mixed. I think it is the sweetest expression of their love for each other. I’m just not sure if transferring both of their ashes into a single run is allowed.

Will Small

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

What a lovely sentiment! Companion urns are designed to hold the ashes of two individuals and have a capacity of up to 400 cubic inches. From a legal perspective, if the couple wanted commingled ashes or the family decides it's the best expression of their love, it is completely legal and allowed.

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