Where should I put my baby's urn to keep the room's aura balanced? - Trupoint Memorials Community

Where should I put my baby's urn to keep the room's aura balanced?

Asked 2 years ago

My son recently passed on after falling ill, and I wanted to get him cremated. My wife wants us to display his ashes in a memorial case to celebrate his short life with us. I'm not sure where in our living room it is appropriate to balance out the aura and energy of the room. Does the position of his memorial display matter?

Cameron-Leigh Henning

Cameron-Leigh Henning

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Creating a memorial is a wonderful way to honor your little one. From an energy perspective, the urn should be placed in an area that provides a breathable space. You want to balance the yin energy of the urn with some yang energy by having living plants nearby, placing the urn somewhere it receives natural daylight, and displaying a happy and healthy photo of your son next to it.

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