Trupoint Memorials
Which urn material has a sturdy divider to avoid mixing ashes? - Trupoint Memorials Community

Which urn material has a sturdy divider to avoid mixing ashes?

Asked 2 years ago

My husband and I have been together for 20 years, and we have been making pre-arrangements for when we pass on. We’ve both chosen to be cremated, but I also wanted to be buried, so my husband agreed to the compromise. Since I am Catholic, my remains are not to be divided or mixed with those of my dear husband, which makes me a bit sad because he really wanted them to commingle our ashes before final rest.

Baron Wade

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

There are companion urns available for couples that are made up of one urn with two different compartments. While the ashes are not comingled, they are right next to one another in one urn. You can find companion urns in most common urn material types, including wood, ceramic, granite, marble, metal, and various biodegradable options.

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