Do urns cater to different sizes between a wife & husband?
Asked 2 years ago
My father passed away two years ago, and we just lost our mother. Seeing that our dad was cremated, I’m thinking of having my mom cremated too and placing their ashes into a double urn. I just don’t know how it works though with couples' urns in terms of the size of the urn that's needed because dad was a bit taller than mom.
Kyle Hancock
Saturday, September 17, 2022
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's a wonderful idea to reunite them once again. Typically, companion urns contain two compartments of the same size. The average size for each compartment is 200 cubic inches. The general rule is for every pound of body weight you need one cubic inch. For example, if your father was 200lb, you need 200 cubic inches.
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