Can we add a remembrance photo with names and dates on a sibling double urn? - Trupoint Memorials Community

Can we add a remembrance photo with names and dates on a sibling double urn?

Asked 2 years ago

My family and I have been discussing the possibility of establishing a columbarium. We've discussed having cremations and being buried close together. My two siblings and I are considering purchasing an extra-large urn. Could we add a memorial plaque with a group photo and future dates to our double urn?

Nicole Day

Nicole Day

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

There are several ways you can customize your companion (double) cremation urn to suit your family's wishes. Depending on the material of the urn, you will be provided with a variety of options to personalize the urn, and adding engraved plaques and photos is definitely possible and is a beautiful idea to go with.

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