Trupoint Memorials
How much can I expect to pay for a home burial urn? - Trupoint Memorials Community

How much can I expect to pay for a home burial urn?

Asked 2 years ago

My dear husband died unexpectedly in a car crash two days ago, and here I am, looking for an urn, much sooner than I anticipated. I'm hoping to find either a ceramic or stone funerary urn that looks antique. Does anyone here know how much I should budget?

Perry Cuevas

Monday, March 14, 2022

So sorry to hear of your unexpected loss. Most adult urns cost around $75 on the low end to around $350 for most popular premium options. Ceramic or stone urns are generally between $50 and $150 and there are many beautiful designs and themes for your to choose from.

Raymond Dyer

Thursday, May 19, 2022

After the loss of a loved one, most people wonder, "How much are cremation urns?" The answer is very dependent on size, material, and detail. Most standard adult urns range between $70 and $500. Stone or ceramic urns can cost anywhere from $50 to $200 depending on their theme and detail.

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