Trupoint Memorials
Is it necessary to pair an infant urn with an urn vault if I plan to bury my baby's remains? - Trupoint Memorials Community

Is it necessary to pair an infant urn with an urn vault if I plan to bury my baby's remains?

Asked a year ago

My baby died from asthma complications, and we want to cremate him. I want to bury the cremains in our family plot. I want to keep his urn safe at all costs, but I'm not sure how. Is it necessary to purchase an urn vault on top of her metal urn?

Nicole Day

Nicole Day

Monday, December 05, 2022

If you plan on ground burial for the urn, then you can place it into an urn vault as this will protect it from the weight of the earth above and also maintain the beauty of your family grounds. If your main goal is to keeo the urn safe, then definitely go with an urn vault.

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