Can I use precious metals to 3D print a burial urn? - Trupoint Memorials Community

Can I use precious metals to 3D print a burial urn?

Asked 3 years ago

Hi, I have a metal 3D printer and want to make my mother's burial myself, I've also been wondering if I could perhaps use gold and platinum to 3D print one for her ashes. Do you know if it will naturally be resistant to weather elements, or if I would have to coat with something? Currently, her cremated remains are in a temporary urn, and I would like to move her into her proper resting space as soon as possible.

Baron Wade

Sunday, August 14, 2022

What a lovely idea. Precious metals can be used in 3D printing. All precious metals are nearly completely corrosion-resistant. Gold is a very resilient metal and is the most corrosion‐resistant of all the precious metals, even when exposed to weather elements for prolonged periods. Platinum is also extremely corrosion-resistant and doesn't tarnish.

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