Do I need a specialized urn for my pet? - Trupoint Memorials Community

Do I need a specialized urn for my pet?

Asked 2 years ago

My 13-year-old golden retriever is living on borrowed time. He has arthritis and is in constant pain when he walks. I've been planning to have him cremated after he's been put down at the vet. However, I'm not sure what to do about his cremated remains. Do I need a specialized urn for my pet?

Nicole Day

Nicole Day

Monday, December 05, 2022

For the urn, you can either choose a small keepsake urn, or a set of keepsake urns if you'd like each family member to have a small amount of cremains, or you can get a large pet urn to hold all of the ashes permanently, in which case you will require one cubic inch of space for every pound your pet weighs.

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