Does my pet's size matter when deciding on pet urn size? - Trupoint Memorials Community

Does my pet's size matter when deciding on pet urn size?

Asked 2 years ago

This year marks the fourteenth birthday of my golden retriever, who has outlived his expected lifespan. He weighs about 75 pounds, and I've been preparing for the sad day he dies. I'd like to have him cremated, but I'm not sure what size urn would be appropriate for him. Does the weight of my dog matter when choosing an urn?

Cameron-Leigh Henning

Cameron-Leigh Henning

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

It's such an honor to spend so much time with a doggy companion, so I understand your need to want to memorialize him when the day comes. In general, for every pound of body weight, you will need one cubic inch. So if your boy weighs 75 pounds, you will need an urn that's 75 cubic inches or larger.

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