Should I remove my Pet's microchip before I have them cremated? - Trupoint Memorials Community

Should I remove my Pet's microchip before I have them cremated?

Asked 2 years ago

I've had my cat for 15 years, and she's about to be put down at my veterinarian. I had her microchipped, so I could find her when she wandered around the neighborhood. I'm planning on having her cremated, but I'm unsure what to do with her identification chip. Is it necessary to remove my cat's microchip before cremating her?

Nicole Day

Nicole Day

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

When your pet passes away and you choose cremation for processing their remains, the microchip will remain in their bodies throughout the process and be incinerated during the cremation. Because they don’t have batteries or moving parts, there is no danger in cremating the microchip along with your pet’s remains, and it will simply melt away into the ashes.

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